title Anden Beach one word explanation Natural History Museum of Stratum keywords geologydiscoverynature confirm, register Oga Quasi-National Park conservation laws and ordinances Natural Parks Act Extending along Anden Beach for over 500m is a cliff containing strata from 80 thousand to 500 thousand years ago. Sea and land layers alternate, with fossilized shells and sea urchins found in the sea layers, and fossilized plants as well as lignite from plant matter that didn’t fully carbonize found in the land layers. You can also see layers of volcanic ash from volcanoes such as Hokkaido’s Lake Toya, Kyushu’s Mt. Aso, and Mt. Paektu on the border between China and North Korea. Furthermore, the non-conformity of the sediment itself is an impressive sight. The strata on the western side are the oldest, with the most recent layers showing up the further east you go.
title Monument to the Sea of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims one word explanation Memories of the Sea of Japan Earthquake keywords naturehistorydisaster prevention confirm, register ー conservation laws and ordinances ー This monument was built to honor the 6 people whose lives were lost on May 26th, 1983, when a tsunami hit Iriai Fishing Port following a magnitude 7.7 earthquake in the Sea of Japan off the coast of Noshiro. The waves carved on the side of the monument represent the reach of the tsunami (6.89m above sea level).
title Earthquake Memorial Monument one word explanation Reconstruction from the Oga earthquake keywords naturehistorydisaster prevention confirm, register ー conservation laws and ordinances ー A monument memorializing the terrible disaster that befell Oga Peninsula in 1939. In this earthquake, 27 people died, 52 were injured, and 479 homes were destroyed. This monument was built to commemorate the reconstruction of the Iriai Hydraulics Plant, which was destroyed by the earthquake.
title Katanishi Plateau one word explanation The production area of delicious Oga pears keywords geologyhistoryfood confirm, register ー conservation laws and ordinances ー Katanishi Plateau is a flat surface about 50m above sea level. Chuishi Village, located on top of the plateau, devotes about 80% of its area to the cultivation of Asian pears. The flat land of this region makes for easy farming, and the layer of clay under the soil leads to high water and fertilizer retention, resulting in pears that are juice, crispy, and sweet.